Your faithful prayers and ongoing sacrifices are making an impact in the lives of women trapped in exploitation and trafficking. Read below some of the ways you are making a difference in the lives of women in our city.


Many of the women we serve think we are there to judge them…but then they meet us! 

A lot of the women we serve have some form of religious trauma. Maybe they were abused by a member of the church. Maybe they have had bibles left on their car with a note that says, “Repent or die.” Lovely.

We show up with a different approach. With love. And grace. And a boldness that drips with humility. Our team shows up with smiles and engages with our friends without judgment. We aren’t there to tell them what to do. We aren’t there to get them to leave. We aren’t there to judge them. We are there to introduce them to Jesus!

This type of radical love is what has led several women we are currently serving to open up to us about their deepest heart struggles and their fears and questions about God. Keep praying over these conversations that you made possible!


“I take a picture of the message on my box every week. It is always exactly what I need to hear.” -Z

When we give a woman a lavish meal, we are sharing the lavish love of Jesus with her in a tangible way. We often write a message on the boxes that involve encouragement from Scripture.

When this sweet dancer shared that she took pictures of the message we give every week, another woman shared that she keeps the lids of the boxes with the messages on them.

You make it possible for these sweet women to hear and see messages of hope and encouragement.


There are countless other stories of how you have made an impact! Here are a few small snippets of those beautiful stories:

  • A woman has been able to leave her abuser and is living with her child in a safe place.
  • A woman loves Jesus and said, “I fall on my knees and worship Him every day! I live by the Spirit and not by the flesh!”
  • Three women were baptized this year!
  • The women received beautiful hand-painted tiny canvases this year for Mother’s Day with a scripture written on the back. We told the women that we had prayed over them that the Lord would give them exactly what He wanted them to hear. The women sat around together, searching for their given passages. Several weeks later, a few of the women were telling us about how they all just kept saying, “This is exactly what I needed to hear!” God showed up in a big way through His word!
  • A woman has opened up about her abortion and is receiving biblical resources for healing.
  • A woman has stayed away from her former life (e.g. partying, sex work, drugs) and is caring for her young child. This woman keeps in contact with the team and lately has been expressing interest in spiritual conversations.
  • A woman has invited one of us into several special personal occasions that are reserved for only very close family and friends. This is a testament to the type of genuine relationships we are building with our friends! We are in this for the long-haul, to show up and love the women as Jesus would!
  • We celebrated with three of the women in the past year who have had babies and are raising their children with a different kind of parenting than the abuse they experienced growing up.